Cloth Diapers 101: Prefolds

Cloth Diapers 101: Prefolds

Though the world of cloth diapers can seem overwhelming, I’ll try to make my explanation as simple as possible.  Tons of information exists about diapering with prefold cloth diapers, but I am going to cover the basics that will help you to get started.  Still, I will try not to miss anything helpful!  Please post a comment asking questions if I missed something.

Keep reading in this post to discover:

diaper sites, when to start, which prefold to use, how many prefold to buy, how to hold prefold together, what diaper covers to buy, and more!

Diaper Sites

I like two cloth diaper sites in general.

The green mountain diapers have prefolds that are color coded by size with shipping at $4.95 for orders up to $75.00. Abby’s Lane has free shipping.

When to Start

Starting to use cloth diapers right after a baby’s preemie stage is ideal.  Newborn diapers are used for a short time, but using the newborn size is a real money saver since they go through so many diapers.  This is also an investment if you will be having more children in the future.

Cloth Diapers 101: Prefolds | Boholistic Mom

Which Prefolds to Use

We used the orange prefolded cloth diapers (sold by Green Mountain Diapers) for our son as a newborn, then we transitioned to the yellow striped cloth diapers.  We decided on the unbleached Indian prefolds, the unbleached absorb more than bleached and the Indian are softer than the Chinese.

How Many?

Newborn Prefolds

Starting out with the orange prefolds, I went through plenty of diapers a day.  You will be able to diaper with 24 cloth diapers, but having up to 30 would be convenient. […]

Why and When to Buy Organic Foods

I started my organic journey in 2008.  My husband and I had just moved to Gulfport, Mississippi and we realized that we needed to make some life changes.  I was struggling with IBS.  He is in the military and needed to keep fit to pass his fitness tests.  On top of it all, we wanted a family.

Nothing gets you started thinking about organic foods more than having a baby.

We did not know what the first step to health was at that point, most people don’t.  So we started eating more organic produce and shopping at farmer’s markets.  This was one of our first steps toward the lifestyle that we now maintain.  It was small, but each step matters because you’ll never arrive if you never start.

There are some things that eating organic foods will change in your life and there are some things that eating organic won’t change a bit.

Organic Benefits

  • Decreases pesticides in body
    (pesticides linked to ADHD)
  • Increases health of liver
  • Lessens brain fog
  • Increases antioxidants
  • Decreases exposure to GMO crops

Not Going to Happen

  • Losing weight magically
  • Fixing all health problems
  • The “Organic” label doesn’t make it healthy

Organic foods have health benefits that are cascading in effect.  These foods have less pesticides.  Having less pesticides means your liver will be healthier due to having less chemicals to process.  When your liver is healthy, your brain is much healthier.  When the liver is taxed, the brain gets foggy.  The liver keeps toxic substances from building up in the blood and reaching the brain.1  Your brain […]

Boho Mom: How to Dress Like You Don’t Care When You Do

Becoming a Boho Mom| Boholistic Mom

I like to think of myself as a boho mom, but some days I feel like I’m still in training.  A boho mom is both indifferent to style and completely attentive to style at the same time.  While boho women seem to just throw on clothes without a thought in the world, thought does occur.  Maybe it doesn’t occur in the moment when the clothes are thrown together, but within the bohemian approach to life . . . each and every decision before that point has been cherished and a boho mom makes meaningful style purchases and/or makes meaningful clothing.

Each item of clothing tells a story.

Each item of clothing is a deeply loved treasure.

The style that surrounds a boho mom is a cultivated masterpiece echoing a life of caring.

Don’t you want to be a boho mom?

How to Be Boho

Only buy what you love

You would think this was obvious, but really it isn’t.  We, as women, buy clothes we don’t love.  In fact, we too often buy clothes that we love on others.  We buy the outfit that looks good on the manikin, the clothes that look good on a skinny, unrealistic model, or the clothes that we see look good on our friends.  Only . . . when we put them on we recognize that these clothes are not us.  Though we occasionally luck out on the ‘right’ outfit or shirt or pants, we have a whole wardrobe of clothes we practically hate.

Why is this?

We need to learn what clothes we love and what clothes look good on us BEFORE we buy clothes at the store.  If you are a bold and fabulous […]

Egg Yolk Shampoo – DIY Hair Wash

I have gone through many journeys with my bath and body care products.  I’ve tossed out tons of my makeup and bought new makeup that I thought was better . . . just to discover that it wasn’t (and I was allergic to it).  I tossed away the last squeeze-tube of toothpaste and discovered that I can make my own tooth powder (which is still going strong).  However for the longest time, my hair journey was stunted.  I was absolutely stuck.  I wanted to join the myriads of ladies who were POOless (without shampoo), but I tried it.  And I failed.

Egg Yolk Shampoo | Boholistic Mom

My Egg Yolk Shampoo

I failed at finding a solution until I realized that a lot of the problem with shampoos and no-poo methods were the absolute disregard for pH balance.  Shampoos strip out your hairs natural oils and many leave your hair pH a mess.  Most shampoo companies then encourage you to restore your oil balance by applying conditioners that re-moisturize your hair.  Great, so strip it all out and put it all back on.  They say the same with our faces.  Wash your face, use toner on your face to erase the wicked natural oils on your face, and then reapply “correct” moisturizers.  Who says that factory made conditioners and moisturizers are best suited to our hair?  Wouldn’t our own perfect pH-balanced natural hair oils be the best for our hair?

I wanted a pH balanced way to cleanse my hair.  I wanted something natural and was fine with it being a little bit out of the box.  The magical word for me was emulsifier.

I had […]

Body Odor – Get Rid of BO in 6 Easy Steps


I’m not sure about you, but I hate BO.  You know what BO means, right?  *whispers quietly* body odor . . .  It’s smelly.  It makes you feel like you have to keep taking a shower all the time.  Whether you are a stinky onion type or an overall yuck kind of gal, we all have one desire . . . to get rid of body odor!!!

Enough is enough.  Soap doesn’t get rid of it, not for long.  Deodorant doesn’t get rid of it.  It masks the odor and holds in your sweat.  What then?  What is the answer to stopping the stink?

Get Rid of Body Odor | Boholistic Mom6 Easy Steps to Letting Go of BO

1.  Stop Using Conventional Deodorant

Deodorant is not a solution to sweat or to body odor.  The point of deodorant is to keep the consumer coming back for more because it will never alleviate the problem.  The first claim of deodorant is that it’s an anti-perspirant.  It is not a good thing to block your sweat glands and pores to prevent sweat.  Sweat isn’t the problem; sweat is a natural way for your body to cool off.  If you are sweating excessively, take a look at step 6 to boost your overall health.

The second way that deodorant works is to mask the smell.  Most are scented to hide the smell excreted from the bacteria that grows on your armpit.  When your sweat mixes with the bacteria on your armpit, the bacteria will eat your sweat, the bacteria excrete waste on your skin, and you stink.  While some deodorants may temporarily kill bacteria, the pH of most deodorants encourage regrowth.  What a horrible cycle!

2.  Switch to a Natural […]

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Do you like the posts that you find here at Boholistic Mom?  Did you know that you can receive Boholistic Mom’s posts directly to your inbox?

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Thank you for signing up with Boholistic Mom! We look forward to providing you with awesome information that is relevant to you as a woman, a mother, and a boholistic gal!

Each subscriber is important at Boholistic Mom.  We are a community of women who are seeking out knowledge to help our families to grow healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  What could be more important than nurturing our husbands, our children, and those around us?

If you enjoy receiving our e-mails, let us know.  Boholistic Mom is about reaching out across the world with real food, holistic remedies, and authentic faith.  Locally, Boholistic Mom offers doula services, health coaching, and even home detoxes.  Taking charge of our health is a life changing experience.  These services are meant to empower the women who find out about Boholistic Mom and allow them to reach out for extra help.

We all need a little extra help sometimes!

If you are interested in any of these services, please visit the Services page located at the top right of the screen.  There you will read about a few of […]

Healthy Fats

Healthy Fats | Boholistic Moms

I don’t know how you were raised, but if you were raised during the 80’s and/or the 90’s you may have been raised on a low-fat diet. Fats were bad. All of them. Butter was replaced with margarine. Lard was not even mentioned, much less used. Cheeses were artery cloggers and vegetables were all eaten plain.

This was my life from 1983 until around 2001.

I mention in my other post how confused I was about the need to avoid fats and to lessen my calories. Then eventually people began to say to avoid carbs too.  How could I possibly avoid fats, avoid carbs, and lessen my calories to keep my weight balanced?  It became apparent to me that something was awry.  These “food experts” didn’t really have their act together.  In fact, did they even know what we should eat to be healthy?

I found the answer out in 2013.  The answer was so simple that I’m amazed that I’d spent so long trying to figure out the solution to my food dilemma.

Eat real food.

I go into this in more detail here, but in this post I want to speak exclusively about healthy fats.  Eating healthy fats, because truly not all fats are bad.

You need healthy fats to produce cholesterol which is the mother of all hormones.  You absolutely need cholesterol in order to produce hormones in your body.  All of the highest fat REAL foods contain cholesterol.  These two are the dynamic duo of proper hormone production.  Without healthy fats and cholesterol, you cannot function the way that you were made to function.  Your hormones help to regulate your brain, […]

Join Young Living Essential Rewards Program

Benefits of Essential RewardsEssential Rewards: Why Join?

When you sign up with Young Living as a Wholesale Member, you have the option of joining YL’s Essential Rewards Program.  When I first joined, this confused me so much!  As I filled out the information on the screen, Young Living had these Essential Rewards Kits that were upwards of $100.  I had so many questions!

“Do I need to buy these to be a part of the Essential Rewards program?”

“Why are the kits so expensive?”

“I thought I only needed to buy $50 a month to be in the Essential Rewards Program . . .”

In this post you will learn about . . .

essential rewards kits, how to join Young Living’s essential reward program, how to reach 50 PV, and why to reach 100 PV for essential rewards

Essential Rewards Kits

Young Living Offers three Essential Rewards Kits when you sign up with Young Living.

Everyday Oils Essential Rewards Kit

Essential Oil Kit


The NingXia Red Kit

Ningxia Red ER


The Thieves Kit



The purpose of immediately joining the Essential Rewards program with a kit is to jump start your Essential Rewards Points and to jump start your Young Living collection.

Do you need to buy this kit to be a part of Essential Rewards?  No.  You can join at ANY point after signing up.

Joining the Program

I chose to join the Essential Rewards Program after I signed […]

Yearly Goal Sheet Printable For 2017

The new year is a fantastic time for reflecting and thinking about your next yearly goals.  Because of this, I am giving away a New Years Yearly Goal Printable.  You may not know this, but I am not just a Boholistic Mom, I also design printable PDFs over at Designing Life on Etsy.  In addition to eating well and teaching others how to cultivate a home full of traditions and real food, I love home organization and helping others get their lives in order.  Life is often more pleasant when you can be who you want to be on purpose.  Our houses and lives can become on a permanent pause when we have no idea where we are heading!

Thus today for the New Year’s holiday, I offer you a New Years Printable as a gift to get you started.  Start your goals out right this year by making intentional goals.  Enjoy!

New Years Yearly Goal Sheet Printable

Having trouble downloading?  Try this –> link.

Happy New Year!!!!

Tips for Planning Your Goals

  • Pray about your goals before you set them.  God’s plans are even better than our plans!
  • Consider the order of priority for your goals.  These are set in an intentional order, but is this the order you currently have these set in for your life?  Does God come first in your life?  Do you set your relationship with your husband before your children?  This can be very important for the survival of your marriage.  Do you set the condition of your home before other priorities in […]

Coconuts: A to Z

Coconuts: A-Z | Boholistic Mom

(This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a benefit from your order.  Thanks!)

Inside The Coconut

Coconuts are filled with beneficial commodities.  Coconut fat (often labeled as raw virgin organic coconut oil) is a medium-chain triglyceride, which means it is a special type saturated fat.  According to a study done in 1983, these same medium-chain triglycerides had rats loosing fat deposits in the lab.1  In 2004, a study in India found that Virgin Coconut Oil decreased the total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol levels and increased HDL cholesterol.2 Aka, coconut oil helped the body maintain the good cholesterol and decrease the bad cholesterol.  Also, unlike other oils frequently used in the USA, a study performed in India shows that coconut oil has no correlation with coronary heart diseases.  This fat is not a contributor to heart disease, so if you are watching out for your heart or your husband’s heart, this oil will help you remain heart healthy.

The coconut oil, meat, and milk will help you stay healthy and make amazing dishes.  Read on to find out how to pull a coconut apart on your own!

Coconut Collaboration

I was able to team up on this post with a friend of mine who moved to Guam.  Erena is much more experienced with coconuts than I will probably ever be!  So I asked her how she choses her coconuts, cracks her coconuts, and also how she uses her coconuts.  Here’s what she had to say!

How Do You Choose a Good Coconut?

A green coconut usually means the coconut hasn’t formed and is […]