Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

DIY sunscreen - Boholistic Mom

Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

I made my first homemade sunscreen last year and loved it.  It was great to slather on a non-toxic mix of oils and know that I was keeping away the toxic mess that sunscreens have become.  Still, I wanted to provide my blog readers with more than just a little recipe that I whipped up.  I like to really research the options!

Note: Remember, that no matter how much sunscreen (whether natural or not) you use, you still need to work up to staying outside for hours.  This will help to protect your skin, but a healthy diet and regular sun exposure will really help to protect your body and help your body cope with the sun.

Let me provide you with the facts and finish with options.  You have more than one option when it comes to protecting you and your family from the sun and from modern sunscreens.

This is a list of the natural ingredients that you can use in your homemade sunscreen recipe.

  • Almond Oil
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Avocado Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Coconut Oil (fractionated)
  • Shea Butter
  • Vitamin E Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Wheatgerm Oil
  • Macadamia Nut Oil
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Sesame Seed Oil
  • Calendula Infused Oil
  • Diaper Rash Cream with Zinc Oxide
  • Zinc Oxide
  • Beeswax
  • Helichrysum Oil
  • Neem Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Red Raspberry Seed Oil
  • Carrot Seed Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Peppermint Oil

Obviously, you don’t need all of these ingredients.  This list just provides you with options and even substitutes.  First off, let’s venture into the SPF of these ingredients.

I found multiple sources with quite a few SPF (Sun Protection Factor) numbers.  I will give you the comprehensive […]

Body Odor – Get Rid of BO in 6 Easy Steps


I’m not sure about you, but I hate BO.  You know what BO means, right?  *whispers quietly* body odor . . .  It’s smelly.  It makes you feel like you have to keep taking a shower all the time.  Whether you are a stinky onion type or an overall yuck kind of gal, we all have one desire . . . to get rid of body odor!!!

Enough is enough.  Soap doesn’t get rid of it, not for long.  Deodorant doesn’t get rid of it.  It masks the odor and holds in your sweat.  What then?  What is the answer to stopping the stink?

Get Rid of Body Odor | Boholistic Mom6 Easy Steps to Letting Go of BO

1.  Stop Using Conventional Deodorant

Deodorant is not a solution to sweat or to body odor.  The point of deodorant is to keep the consumer coming back for more because it will never alleviate the problem.  The first claim of deodorant is that it’s an anti-perspirant.  It is not a good thing to block your sweat glands and pores to prevent sweat.  Sweat isn’t the problem; sweat is a natural way for your body to cool off.  If you are sweating excessively, take a look at step 6 to boost your overall health.

The second way that deodorant works is to mask the smell.  Most are scented to hide the smell excreted from the bacteria that grows on your armpit.  When your sweat mixes with the bacteria on your armpit, the bacteria will eat your sweat, the bacteria excrete waste on your skin, and you stink.  While some deodorants may temporarily kill bacteria, the pH of most deodorants encourage regrowth.  What a horrible cycle!

2.  Switch to a Natural […]

Natural Beauty Options: What Do I Use?


Natural Beauty Routine

Natural Beauty Routine: What Do I Use?

Let’s face it.  Being holistic and natural about external beauty is difficult.  So many products say that they are “organic” and “natural,” but for products that are not being consumed many of these claims are false.  False is probably too soft of a word.  Really . . . these products straight up lie.  Some of them have nothing natural about them, but perhaps they contain a drop of aloe or a smidge of clay and so a company calls them natural.  Really?  Are we really so gullible?  We are.  We are just that gullible.  We don’t know any better.  I’m confused.  You are confused.  We can’t decipher the information being fed to us by companies and the information that we are learning about taking care of our body in a holistic way.

How can we be fashionable and natural?  Is it possible?

I’ve begun to find an answer to this question, but it’s a gradual answer.  I’ve had to try and fail.  I’m still not using the products that I’d like to use because they do not offer me the benefit that I desire.  However, I’d LOVE to pass on the success that I have had in beauty and fashion.  Today, I’m going to let you know my “External Beauty: What Do I Use?”  These are the products that I am currently using and I’ll let you know how I like them.  I’ll even let you know what products I’m not using and why.

Ready to be challenged in your view of external beauty?


For the past three months, I have not been using shampoo.  A year ago I tried the backing soda […]

Soap Alternatives that keep you clean


In this day and age, we have come to believe that a magical clean is only achieved with soap.  Soap being whatever the store sells as soap.  It may not even be soap, but if the store calls it soap then it must clean and we are safe.  Safe from the nasty obnoxious germs we all fear.  These evil creature must be fought with foaming cleaners (sodium lauryl sulfate), antibacterial cleansers, and if that wasn’t enough, we make sure to use enough hand sanitizer to kill off yesterday’s germs, today’s germs, and tomorrow’s germs too.

Once we are sure that our hands are clean so we don’t get sick . . . we get sick because our bodies haven’t developed any resistance from the germs that we don’t have on our hands, then we beg the doctor for antibiotics or antiviral medications to zap the evil bugs from our body.

If only we understood how to live at peace with the bacteria in our lives,
instead of constantly waging war.

Can you get clean without soap? - Boholistic Mom


Did you know that we live in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria?  We need bacteria and bacteria need us.  We as humans are the host to all types of bacteria.  When we are at our healthiest, they have thriving colonies in our intestines, colonies on our skin, and even colonies in our mouths.  Our body can thrive and even heal when the good bacteria are succeeding in our body.

Why then are we always trying to get rid of bacteria?  Obviously, not all bacteria are good bacteria.  Because of these little creeps we like to call germs, all bacteria get a bad […]

Homemade Tooth Powder

Homemade Toothpaste - Boholistic Mom

Why Not to Buy Regular Toothpaste

Take a gander at the ingredients listed on the back of a tube of whitening toothpaste:

Sodium fluoride, Triclosan, water, hydrated silica, glycerin, sorbitol, PVM/MA, copolymer, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavor, cellulose gum, sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol, carrageenan, sodium saccharin, titanium dioxide

What are these things and why are they in our toothpaste?  Read below to find out what these chemicals are and how they may be affecting your health.

Sodium fluoride

Whatever you believe about Fluoride, whether we need it or we have no need for it, the fact is that we have fluorinated water, fluoride in our toothpaste, and fluoride at the dentist.  This is a lot of fluoride to be consuming when it is toxic in certain amounts.  Finally, consider this, why add fluoride when is it possible to prevent cavities through diet change?


Right here the FDA says animal studies of Triclosan “have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation” and “other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics.”  Of course, as usual the FDA also states, “Triclosan is not currently known to be hazardous to humans.”  However, if it affects the hormones of animals, wouldn’t it also impact humans?


Sorbitol is both an artificial sweetener and a laxative.  Why does toothpaste need to be sweet?  And why would anyone want a laxative in their toothpaste that they use regularly?

Sodium lauryl sulfate

In this article by Drugs.com, sodium lauryl suflate is considered acceptable besides an increased chance of canker sores.  Sodium lauryl sulfate can also aggravate atopic eczema when used in moisturizers.1 How the sodium lauryl sulfate is created and how it is used may change how skin reacts to this chemical.  It is a foaming agent […]