Gradually, but surely, I hope to share the lists of remedies that I use personally with my Boholistic Mom followers. Today, I am sharing with you a headache remedy list that will give you some great ideas for tackling situations when you feel your head might explode. Some of these ideas work within the hour, some will are long term fixes and will take time. You are in charge of your health and your wellness. Find out what options there are from this headache remedy list that are not in a medicine bottle and give them a shot!
Headache Remedy List – Natural Relief
- Magnesium
Magnesium helps blood vessels relax and regulates your blood pressure.1 With all of the stress our bodies go through, most people are very deficient in magnesium. Deficiencies in magnesium can cause major headaches, but even if you aren’t deficient, magnesium can be a quick relief to minor headaches. I use –> Ancient Minerals Magnesium Gel.
- Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is also vasodilator like magnesium, meaning it dilates your blood vessels allowing blood to pass through more easily. When you have a pounding headache with lots of pressure, this can be a life saver. In addition, ginger can relieve sinus pressure that can lead to headaches. I love to use fresh ginger, but if you want to keep a bit of ginger tea on hand for emergencies check out –> Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea.
- Nasal Pressure Points
When I was pregnant with my son, I was instructed by a doctor to massage certain points around my nose to stimulate my sinuses to relieve pressure. However, when I look online for great, solid information […]