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I spent hours this morning researching microcephaly, Brazil, and the Zika Virus.  What I found is vital information.  I honestly believe that this information needs to make it to the media and out to the world.  Each party is trying to blame a different person and I cannot believe how little research was done about the chemical Pyriproxyfen before it was used in Brazil’s water supply.  There is no excuse.  Read on.

Brazil and Microcephaly | Boholistic Mom

The Real Facts about Brazil and Microcephaly

 1. There is not a proven link between Zika and microcephaly.

“Authorities still can’t definitively make a causal link between Zika and microcephaly” – Washington Post (1)

2. A group of doctors and researchers in Argentina have published a report stating that a pestide, pyriproxyfen, is the true cause of the increase of birth defects in Brazil.

“A group of doctors and researchers in Argentina has published a report making the provocative argument that a pesticide, rather than the virus, is to blame for the alarming number of birth defects being reported in Brazil.” – Washington Post (1)

3. In 2014, pyriproxyfen was injected into Brazil’s water supplies to decrease the development of mosquito larvae in the water tanks.

“According to the Physicians in Crop-Sprayed Towns, a chemical larvicide [Pyriproxyfen] that produces malformations in mosquitoes was injected into Brazil’s water supplies in 2014 in order to stop the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks.” – Tech News (2)

4. Pernambuco is the first state in Brazil that had their water supply injected with pyriproxyfen.  Pernambuco is also the first state to have a problem with microcephaly.

“The Brazilian Health Ministry had injected pyriproxyfen to reservoirs in the state of Pernambuco.” AND “Pernambuco is also the first state in Brazil to notice the problem [with microcephaly].” – Tech News (2)

5. The initial reports claimed that 4, 180 cases of microcephaly were related to Zika.  Since that time, 732 cases have been examined thoroughly and only 270 cases now are thought to have been caused by the Zika virus.

“The Washington Post reported in January that after experts examined 732 cases out of 4,180 Zika-related microcephaly, more than half were not related to Zika at all. Only 270 cases were confirmed as Zika-linked microcephaly.” – Tech News (2)

6. Monsanto did not manufacture the chemical Pyriproxyfen, but is a business partner with Sumitomo who did manufacture and sell the chemical to Brazil.

Monsanto claims, “Neither Monsanto nor our products have any connection to the Zika virus or microcephaly. Monsanto does not manufacture or sell Pyriproxyfen. And, Monsanto does not own Sumitomo Chemical Company. It is, however, a business partner like others in the area of crop protection.” – Tech News (2)

7. While Monsanto did not distribute the Pyriproxyfen, they did begin to provide their seeds and biotechnology to Brazil starting in 2014.  The same time that Sumitomo provided the Pyriproxyfen to the water supply.

HOWEVER, “Sumitomo Chemical has reached a long-term agreement for weed management collaboration in Brazil and Argentina with Monsanto Co. as an expansion of its ongoing strategic partnership with the leading U.S. seed and biotechnology company.” – Sumitomo Chemical (3)

8. The report by the Argentinian Physicians suggesting that pyriproxyfen might be the villian causing the microcephany only came out a week ago.

“A report last week by Argentinian group Physicians in Crop-Sprayed Towns suggested pyriproxyfen might be causing the deformity, which impairs foetal brain development.” – The Telegraph UK (4)

9.  A week later, Rio Grande do Sul suspended the use of pyriproxyfen.

“The local government in Rio Grande do Sul, a state in the south of Brazil, suspended the use of pyriproxyfen on Saturday.” – The Telegraph UK (4)

10.  Also a week later, the Brazilian government dismissed the concern over pyriproxyfen, because no scientific study has linked pyriproxyfen to microcephaly.  Notice that no scientific study has been able to link the Zika virus to microcephaly either and is yet believed to be the main concern.

“The federal government was quick to dismiss the fears, insisting there had been no scientific study that linked pyriproxyfen to microcephaly.” – The Telegraph UK (4)

11. Columbia has the next highest incidence of the Zika Virus and has no microcephaly.

“The report also pointed out that there had been no cases of microcephaly in other countries affected by Zika, such as Colombia, which has the highest incidence of the virus after Brazil.” – Telegraph UK (4)

12. Pyriproxyfen alters the development process of mosquitos and is teratogenic (causes birth defects).

“Pyriproxyfen is a growth inhibitor of mosquito larvae, which alters the development process from larva to pupa to adult, thus generating malformations in developing mosquitoes and killing or disabling them. It acts as an insect juvenile hormone or juvenoid, and has the effect of inhibiting the development of adult insect characteristics (for example, wings and mature external genitalia) and reproductive development. It is an endocrine disruptor and is teratogenic (causes birth defects), according to the Physicians.” – GM Watch (5)

13. A study mentioned by the SDS Sheet for Tekko Pro (Pyriproxyfen product) states that skeletal variations were observed in rat fetuses when exposed to Pyriproxyfen.

“In the study conducted with rats, maternal toxicity (mortality, decreased body weight gain and food consumption and clinical signs of toxicity) was observed at doses of 300 mg/kg/day and greater. The maternal NOEL was 100 mg/kg/day. A transient increase in skeletal variations was observed in rat fetuses exposed to 300 mg/kg/day and greater. The NOEL for prenatal developmental toxicity was 100 mg/kg/day. An increased incidence of visceral and skeletal variations was observed postnatally at 1000 mg/kg/day. The NOEL for postnatal developmental toxicity was 300 mg/kg/day. In the study conducted with rabbits, maternal toxicity (clinical signs of toxicity including one death, decreased body weight gain and food consumption, and abortions or premature deliveries) was observed at oral doses of 300 mg/kg/day or higher. The maternal NOEL was 100 mg/kg/day. No developmental effects were observed in the rabbit fetuses. The NOEL for developmental toxicity in rabbits was 1000 mg/kg/day. No effects on reproduction were produced even at 5000 ppm, the highest dose tested.” – Pyriproxyfen Study done for Tekko Pro SDS (6)

14. Columbia has 3,177 diagnosed cases of the Zika virus in pregnant women and no evidence that the virus has caused birth defects in his country.

“Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos said Saturday that there’s no evidence Zika has caused any cases of the birth defect known as microcephaly in his country, though it has diagnosed 3,177 pregnant women with the virus.” – ABC News (7)

15. Microcephaly can be caused by inadequate nutrition, exposure to viruses, and exposure to toxic chemicals.

“There is evidence that, in some cases, microcephaly is caused by something that affects the mother during pregnancy. These factors can include:

  • substance abuse
  • inadequate nutrition
  • untreated phenylketonuria (PKU)
  • exposure to certain viruses – especially chickenpox, rubella (German measles) or cytomegalovirus
  • exposure to toxic chemicals.” – Boston Children’s Hospital (8)

16. The most Zika-related microcephaly cases in Brazil are in the poorest (thus most malnourished) areas of Brazil.  Thus Brazil currently has three of the five causes of microcephaly within their country: inadequate nutrition, exposure to viruses, and exposure to toxic chemicals.

“It’s no coincidence that most Zika-related microcephaly cases were found in the north-east of the country: of course, the weather there is hot, which is prime breeding ground for the Aedis aegypti, but it is also where most of Brazil’s poverty is concentrated.” – The Guardian (9)

17.  In the Breitbart article WHO, the World Health Organization, is very insistent that Pryiproxyfen and microcephaly are not connected.  In the CBS News article, the Brazil Health Ministry states that pyriproxyfen must be safe because WHO approves it as a safe chemical larvicide. Are you noticing the conflict of interest?

“Both Brazilian authorities and the World Health Organization have now denied there is any link between the pesticide Pyriproxyfen and microcephaly.” – breitbart.com (11)

“The Health Ministry said it only uses larvicides that are approved by the World Health Organization.” – CBS News (10)

WHO approved Sumitomo’s SumiLarv (Pyriproxyfen): http://www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp/english/rd/report/theses/docs/2015E_1.pdf (12)

18.  The SumiLarv Technical Brochure cites the Journal of Pesticide Science article to prove that Pyriproxyfen does not have an estrogenic affect and does not disrupt the endocrine system of mammals.

Sumitomo says that, “According to the U.S. EPA while pyriproxyfen is known to produce juvenoid effects on arthropod development, this mechanism of action in target insects and some other arthropods has no relevance to any mammalian endocrine system. Pyriproxyfen is therefore not considered to possess estrogenic or endocrine disrupting properties to mammals. (Sullivan, J.J. & Goh, K.S.,, Journal Pesticide Science, 33(4) 339-350, 2008).” – SumiLarv Technical Brochure (13)

19.  The Journal of Pesticide Science cites the US EPA to prove that the juvenoid effects on arthropods had no relevance to the mammalian endocrine system.

“According to the U.S. EPA, while pyriproxyfen is known to produce juvenoid effects on arthropod development, this mechanism-of-action in target insects and some other arthropods has no relevance to any mammalian endocrine system. Extensive evaluation of acute, sub-chronic, chronic, developmental, and reproductive toxicology show no evidence of any endocrinemediated effects. Pyriproxyfen is therefore not considered to possess estrogenic or endocrine disrupting properties to mammals.” – Sullivan, J.J. Journal Pesticide Science Article (14)

20.  The US EPA did apparently conclude that pyriproxyfen had no estrogenic or endocrine disrupting properties to mammals.  However, no tests were ever performed to prove this.  The US EPA did not conduct reproductive studies to find the effects of pyriproxyfen on fetuses.

“Consequently, it is concluded that pyriproxyfen does not possess estrogenic or endocrine disrupting properties applicable to mammals.” – US Government Printing Office (15)

“While specific tests, uniquely designed to evaluate the potential effects of pyriproxyfen on mammalian endocrine systems have not been conducted, the toxicology of pyriproxyfen has been extensively evaluated in acute, sub-chronic, chronic, developmental, and reproductive toxicology studies including detailed histopathology of numerous tissues. The results of these studies show no evidence of any endocrine-mediated effects, and no pathology of the endocrine organs. Consequently, it is concluded that pyriproxyfen does not possess estrogenic or endocrine disrupting properties applicable to mammals.” – US Government Printing Office (15)

21.  However, the EPA did find that female rats who were given Pyriproxyfen over a 2 year period had decreased sinusoidal spaces.

The study also stated, “EPA has established a reference dose (RfD) for pyriproxyfen of 0.35 mg/kg bwt/day, based on the NOAEL in female rats from the 2-year chronic/oncogenicity study. Effects cited by EPA in the RfD tracking report include negative trend in mean red blood cell volume, increased hepatocyte cytoplasm and cytoplasm nucleus ratios, and decreased sinusoidal spaces.” – US Government Printing Office (15)

22.  Dogs who were exposed to Pyriproxyfen showed signs of toxicity and had liver damage.

“Dogs exposed to dose levels of 300 mg/kg bwt/day or higher showed overt clinical signs of toxicity, elevated levels of blood enzymes and liver damage. The NOAEL in this study was 100 mg/kg bwt/day.” – US Government Printing Office (15)

23. So in conclusion, NO ONE DID THEIR RESEARCH. Sumitomo claims the Journal Pesticide Science Article found Pyriproxyfen larvicide to be safe. The Journal Pesticide Science Article claims that the US EPA found Pyriproxyfen to be safe.  Reading the US EPA Journal article we find that NO RESEARCH was done on humans. NONE.

Now . . . make up your own mind about what’s really going on in Brazil.


Brooke | Boholistic Mom

Brooke Shambley aka Boholistic Mom



  1. Could Chemicals Rather Than the Zika Virus Be to Blame for Birth Defects in Brazil – Washington Post
  2. Larvicide Manufactured By Sumitomo, Not Zika Virus, True Cause Of Brazil’s Microcephaly Outbreak – Tech News
  3. Sumitomo Chemical and Monsanto Expand Weed Control Collaboration to Latin America – Sumitomo Chemical
  4. Zika Virus – Telegraph News UK:
  5. GM Watch – Argentine and Brazilian doctors name larvicide as potential cause of microcephaly
  6. Tekko Pro SDS Sheet: http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/msds/Tekko_Pro_MSDS.pdf
  7. 3,177 Pregant Women in Columbia, No Microcephaly – ABC News
  8. Microcephaly – Boston Children’s Hospital:
  9. It’s no coincidence that most Zika-related microcephaly cases are found in the poor north-east of the country . . . – The Guardian:
  10. Health Experts Dismiss Claims Larvicide Linked to Mircocephaly – CBS News:
  11. Brazil, WHO: Say Pesticides Are Not Causing Zika Linked Microcephaly:
  12. Recent Progress in the Research and Development of New Products for Malaria and Dengue Vector Control – Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.:
  13. SumiLarv – Sumitomo:
  14. Environmental fate and properties of pyriproxyfen: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpestics/33/4/33_R08-02/_pdf
  15. US EPA Pyriproxyfen Study – Government Printing Office: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2000-03-29/html/00-7231.htm


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