Decreasing Inches: 5 Focus Points

This June my family moved 3+ states North East.  In addition, my youngest son who was our foster son for 21 months went home to be with his family in late May.  There has been so much change and I chose not to pay close attention to our diet during this time.  I did not add on an extra 20 pounds, but my pants are snug and uncomfortable.  In the Spring, I focused on loving my family intensely and this Summer I am focusing on decreasing inches.

We go through times that our life is more important than focusing closely on our diet.

My Goal: Decreasing Inches

Today is a new day.  I have time to focus on my diet and my health.  I have the goal to go from size 10/12 in pants to a size 8 in pants. While I was easily able to attain this in Italy with fresh, real foods, I’ve found it difficult in America with a supermarket full of processed foods and meats with additives.1  

Focus Points for Health

My Healthy Lifestyle Methods

When I really want to focus on decreasing inches, here are some of the methods I employ:

1. Decrease sugar and carbs. I begin to read the products I purchase to see if they include any added sugar. Surprisingly, even sandwich meat often includes dextrose (another name for sugar). In fact, there are many names for sugar that need to be identified in order to avoid sugar.

Note: You can find a list in the footnotes below.2

As for carbs, our body uses carbs for energy and for building vitamins and minerals that we are missing. We will […]

Godai Soaps Review by a Crunchy Mama

Soap Review

Godai Soaps Review

These past two weeks I have had the privilege of testing out the five varieties of –> Godai Soaps.  I performed an in depth Boholistic Mom Godai Soaps review! Before even accepting a cooperative reviewing of a companies product, I view the ingredients of their product and I decide whether they are a company that I want to stand behind. If not, I do not even move forward. Why accept products from a company with ingredients that I cannot agree with using? Godai Soaps was a brand that has excellent ingredients, so I proceeded forward to doing a Godai Soaps review.

Scroll to the bottom for my final score on Godai Soaps.

Mail from Godai Soaps

The day I received my soaps in the mail, I was excited. Our family uses limited soap products as we only need soap when we are really in need of dirt removal, washing hands from dirty jobs, or when we are concerned about exposure to germs. So when I buy soaps, I look for the BEST. Why wash dirt off with dirty ingredients?

So when I saw Godai’s list of ingredients, I was impressed:  all natural, organic ingredients with herbs and essential oils.  This was my kind of company.

Here is the list of ingredients from their Sky Calming Soap and Shampoo Bar:

  • Saponified oils of sunflower*, coconut*, palm*, and safflower* (with retained glycerin)
  • Water
  • Essential oils of lavender*, orange*, and eucalyptus*
  • Alkanet root
  • Rosemary extract

*Certified Organic Ingredients

Godai Soaps Review

My Experience

As I have used each organic soap bar, I have enjoyed the sensory experience.  The bars smell wonderful and […]

Reading List for Traditional Food and Health

Book Reading List

The books listed below are recommended by the Weston A. Price Foundation and are GREAT to help you on your food and health journey.  If you want the full list from the WAPF website, head over to –> Nourishing Our Children and search for book recommendations.

Note:  I’m only including books that I personally own on this reading list.  I prefer to pass on book ideas that I have personally tested and found to be excellent.  The books that are *starred* are books that I added to the list according to the benefits I’ve found from these particular books.

New Years Reading List

Traditional Food Reading List

–>  Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats

This book has the basic information on the dietary principles of the traditional food ideals.

–> Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World

One of my first steps into real food was making my own broth.  I felt healthier, I looked healthier, and I began to nourish my family.  What a beautiful gift!

–> Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price

The Weston A. Price Foundation is based on the information provided by Dr. Weston A. Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.  As a dentist in the turn of the century, he began to notice his patients getting more cavities and having poor oral health.  He had no answers for them, so he sought out the answers.  He traveled the world and found that cultures who did not eat a diet full of processed foods had less dental carries (cavities) and babies were born with wider jaws.  […]

Baking Soda is Abrasive – True or False

After answering this question in a comment over on my soap alternatives post –> here, I realized that the topic of baking soda abrasivity deserved a post of its own.  I have heard so many times that baking soda is abrasive and will cause damage to our tooth enamel.  However, have we ever seen proof of this tooth enamel damage?  Where are they getting this information about baking soda?  The truth about baking soda will surprise you.

Baking Soda is Abrasive – True or False?

Tooth enamel ranks 5 on Mohs hardness scale, dentin ranks at 2.5 Mohs, and baking soda ranks at 2.5 Mohs.1  In comparison, diamonds are a 10.  Please, don’t brush your teeth with diamonds.  In regards to hardness, baking soda is softer than our tooth enamel.

When testing toothpaste abrasivity, researchers use RDA (relative dentin abrasivity) in order to gauge each toothpaste’s dentin impact.  Dentin is the tooth material beneath your tooth enamel that is the most fragile.  According to the Lincoln Dental Center, “The ideal toothpaste would not have a RDA index higher that 7; therefore dentifrices with a low abrasivity index are desirable.”2  The list below is generally accepted range for RDA values:

  • From 0 to 70 = low abrasion
  • 70 to 100 = midrange abrasion
  • 100 to 150 = highly abrasive
  • 150 to 250 = considered harmful to teeth2

IMHO:  If an RDA of 7 is ideal, then why exactly are we accepting toothpastes with abrasivity levels ranging from 70-250?  While I found an article online suggesting our toothpaste and toothbrushes have little to do with […]

Headache Remedy List for Moms

Gradually, but surely, I hope to share the lists of remedies that I use personally with my Boholistic Mom followers.  Today, I am sharing with you a headache remedy list that will give you some great ideas for tackling situations when you feel your head might explode.  Some of these ideas work within the hour, some will are long term fixes and will take time.  You are in charge of your health and your wellness.  Find out what options there are from this headache remedy list that are not in a medicine bottle and give them a shot!

Headache Remedy List

Headache Remedy List – Natural Relief

  • Magnesium

Magnesium helps blood vessels relax and regulates your blood pressure.1  With all of the stress our bodies go through, most people are very deficient in magnesium.  Deficiencies in magnesium can cause major headaches, but even if you aren’t deficient, magnesium can be a quick relief to minor headaches.  I use –> Ancient Minerals Magnesium Gel.

  • Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is also vasodilator like magnesium, meaning it dilates your blood vessels allowing blood to pass through more easily.  When you have a pounding headache with lots of pressure, this can be a life saver.  In addition, ginger can relieve sinus pressure that can lead to headaches.  I love to use fresh ginger, but if you want to keep a bit of ginger tea on hand for emergencies check out –> Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea.

  • Nasal Pressure Points

When I was pregnant with my son, I was instructed by a doctor to massage certain points around my nose to stimulate my sinuses to relieve pressure.  However, when I look online for great, solid information […]

Infinity Glass Jar Review – Do they work?

I recently had the privilege of reviewing a set of ultraviolet Infinity glass jars.  While I had not heard of this particular brand of ultraviolet glass jars before, I had heard about the technology of the deep purple glass.  Basically, they propose that the tint of the glass keeps out harmful light and lets in beneficial light in order to keep the contents fresh.  My question is . . . do they really work?

Miron glass jars - do they work

History of Violet Glass

Purple glass jars have been used since Egyptian times and throughout history for storage purposes.  Some companies (not Infinity) claim that archaeologists have found viable ancient seeds in Egyptians purple jars; however, I was unable to find any documents to support these theories.  We do not know if the Egyptians or later historic peoples understood the scientific attributes of these purple jars, but we do know that violet jars were enjoyed in the past.

Current Science on Violet Glass Jars

Current science has found these jars to keep herbs, salves, and other contents fresh longer than regular glass jars, but let’s look deeper into the science.  According to Infinity Jars, the violet glass jars “slow down the decaying process of organic matter while maintaining the freshness of whatever you put inside.”  They keep out visible light rays and allow infrared and UV-A rays that benefit the fresh ingredients inside.

The effect of the light limitation keeps the contents from getting exposed to the sun rays that do damage and allows in light rays that are beneficial and kill harmful microbes.  Sounds good, want to test it out?

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Deals for Health Cyber Monday Shopping

Deals for Health – Cyber Monday

What kinds of Cyber Monday deals can help you to boost your health?  Amazingly, there are tons of great deals!

The Fitbit is a great way to track your health progress.  If you are motivated by goals, this may be the way to go!

Did you know that the temperature that you live at in your home affects your health?  Keep it cool at night for better sleep!

Do you love kombucha?  I do!  These containers would be perfect for storing your fermented creations!

If you drink coffee, then be sure to buy Fair Trade Organic.  This “Death Wish” Coffee has plenty of caffeine, but pays the workers who harvest the coffee fairly and you are assured that the beans do not have pesticides brewing with your java.

Cyber Monday Health Deals

What can I say?  Fermented vegetables are always a good idea.  You increase the nutrient density by fermenting and gain so many vitamins!

Nice!  A stainless steel composting bin for only $15?  Definitely a deal.

The […]

Healthy Weight: What is it and how do I maintain it

What is Your Healthy Weight |

We live in a society where mixed images of people fill our mind.  We see stick figures parading around in fashionable clothes on a runway as the ideal mobile hanger for fashion.  We see larger voluptuous women who are demanding to be recognized as beautiful and embraced for their size.  We have people who are pear shaped, apple shaped, larger shouldered people, and people with medical problems.  In the light of all of these shapes and sizes, what is the healthy weight and how do we maintain it?

Healthy Image

First and foremost, I must start with self image.  It really doesn’t matter if a woman is large, small, tall, or short . . . if she has a poor self image, she will believe herself to be not beautiful.  This happens to me as well.  I know that I am very close to my ideal weight, but when I look in the mirror, I judge.  I am MY WORST critic.

Even though I have these feelings of self doubt, I shake myself off and I have to constantly remind myself of the truth.  This is the truth that I want you to take with you today.  My true self identity is in no way connected to my body.  Let me repeat that . . .

Your true self identity is in no way connected to your body.

Our body changes constantly.  We are born as a baby.  We grow into a child.  We go through puberty and change a heap.  We become young adults and then full adults.  Our bodies are in a constant state of flux from 0-21.  After our childhood growth slows, […]

Sorry Candace Cameron Bure

I Am Sorry Candace Cameron Bure | Boholistic Mom

I Am Sorry Candace Cameron Bure

Why do I say “I Am Sorry Candace Cameron?”  Because Christians eat their own alive.  When I say “Christians,” I am speaking to those who say they are Christians, but who are judging others and being hypocritical with their actions.

Did God say to his followers, “Judge others, because you are so absolutely perfect?”  Or did God say,

“Judge not, that you be not judged.  For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.  Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7:1-3

If you’ve never worn a short skirt, sure toss a stone.

If you’ve never had someone around you make a lesbian joke, go ahead toss a stone.

If you’ve never had to walk a thin line and not know what’s crossing the line and what God’s will is clearly, grab your slingshot.

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” – John 8:7

Let’s be clear.  God has said that we […]

Join Young Living Essential Rewards Program

Benefits of Essential RewardsEssential Rewards: Why Join?

When you sign up with Young Living as a Wholesale Member, you have the option of joining YL’s Essential Rewards Program.  When I first joined, this confused me so much!  As I filled out the information on the screen, Young Living had these Essential Rewards Kits that were upwards of $100.  I had so many questions!

“Do I need to buy these to be a part of the Essential Rewards program?”

“Why are the kits so expensive?”

“I thought I only needed to buy $50 a month to be in the Essential Rewards Program . . .”

In this post you will learn about . . .

essential rewards kits, how to join Young Living’s essential reward program, how to reach 50 PV, and why to reach 100 PV for essential rewards

Essential Rewards Kits

Young Living Offers three Essential Rewards Kits when you sign up with Young Living.

Everyday Oils Essential Rewards Kit

Essential Oil Kit


The NingXia Red Kit

Ningxia Red ER


The Thieves Kit



The purpose of immediately joining the Essential Rewards program with a kit is to jump start your Essential Rewards Points and to jump start your Young Living collection.

Do you need to buy this kit to be a part of Essential Rewards?  No.  You can join at ANY point after signing up.

Joining the Program

I chose to join the Essential Rewards Program after I signed […]