Choosing a homeschool curriculum can be a daunting decision. There are so many choices and tons of options. Many homeschool mamas are so passionate about their family’s choices that they will swear to you that their way is the only possible option for homeschooling well. Take a deep breath. And find a few homeschool friends that are a little less passionate about their own decisions and more passionate about helping you find the correct decision for YOUR family.
I will gladly tell a new homeschool mama about the choices I have made, but if I give you the impression that any other decision is the wrong decision, smack me. I do not intend to give that impression and in this post I will share what I am doing. If you find my path beneficial, join me. If you find your path elsewhere, I hope my path helped you to clarify your path. We are all in this journey together.
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum for 2016-2017
I am a creature of habit. I find something I like and I stick to it. Especially when it comes to education. I am leery of switching curricula regularly, because I want to provide a cohesive education. That is one of my reasons for homeschooling is so that my son will not be uprooted from his schools every single time we move. I want him to have stability and learn to see things through as much as possible.
Below is the list of my curriculum choices for our family. I have been blessed with one son who is entering the 2nd grade. We hope to be adopting this year or the next and we will be homeschooling more than one child in the future. I am glad that we have the first three years (K – 2nd) laid out in advance. This just makes things easier!
Main Curriculum
- Classical Conversations in a CC Community – Cycle 2 (Find out more about classical conversations by reading –> The Core by Leigh Bortins)
- Medieval Period, Post-Reformation Europe, and Modern World History
- Ecology, Astronomy, and Physical Science
- Europe and Asia – Geography
- English, Math, Latin, and the History Timeline
- Five in a Row: Volume 3
- (How to get these books: click on the links to purchase the books from Amazon, go to Rainbow Resources to buy them as a discounted set, borrow them from your local library, or check out to buy them used)
- The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco
- Andy and the Circus by Ellis Credle (Unfortunately, out of print. If you see this at a thrift store, GRAB IT!)
- The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar by Natalie Kinsey-Warnoc (Also likely out of print, but you can find other FIAR mothers selling this book in sets on Facebook group pages)
- Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Henry the Castaway by Mark Taylor
- The Finest Horse in Town by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
- Truman’s Aunt Farm by Jama Kim Rattigan
- The Duchess Bakes a Cake by Virginia Kahl
- Andy and the Lion by James Daugherty
- Daniel’s Duck by Clyde Robert Bulla
- Warm as Wool by Scott Russell Sanders
- The Salamander Room by Ann Mazer
- Climbing Kansas Mountains by George Shannon (Possibly out of print)
- Amber on the Mountain by Tony Johnston
- Little Nino’s Pizzeria by Karen Barbour
Supplements that I’ve Chosen
- Alphaphonics – Reading and Spelling
- Explode the Code – Reading, Grammar, and Spelling
- Saxon Math 2 and Saxon Math 3 – Math (Click the link to buy from Amazon, or visit Rainbow Resources for the sets and the manipulatives.)
- Songs for Saplings – Catechism
- Story of the World: Volume 2 – History
Teacher and Guiding Resources
- The Bible – Teaching, Discipline, and Encouragement
- Educating The Wholehearted Child – Ideas, Direction, and Vision
Tips for Homeschooling 2nd Graders
Remember that perfection is not the goal. 2nd graders can often do better than 1st graders, but it is a process. They need to desire to do better internally and, at times, external pressure decreases their personal motivation.
Cultivate their internal motivation. Help your 2nd grader to come up with goals and challenges that he or she would like to achieve. No one likes to do work for no reason, so build their understanding of why their school work is important for God’s glory, for their life, and for their own desire to do well.
Begin to give them a list of assignments to complete alone. Have them write down their assignments, then allow them time to work on them without assistance. Express to them that they do not need to get every answer correct and they can leave answers blank that they do not yet understand. Once they complete the set of work, correct their answers and work through the problems they could not figure out. This encourages them to try a problem or figure out a solution before immediately asking for help. This also teaches them how to write down assignments and follow instructions.
I hope this list of assignments and few tips help you in your homeschool journey! Feel free to leave a comment or question below. Tell me about your homeschool choices or ask me about ours!
Brooke Shambley
THE Boholistic Mom
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