I recently had the privilege of reviewing a set of ultraviolet Infinity glass jars. While I had not heard of this particular brand of ultraviolet glass jars before, I had heard about the technology of the deep purple glass. Basically, they propose that the tint of the glass keeps out harmful light and lets in beneficial light in order to keep the contents fresh. My question is . . . do they really work?
History of Violet Glass
Purple glass jars have been used since Egyptian times and throughout history for storage purposes. Some companies (not Infinity) claim that archaeologists have found viable ancient seeds in Egyptians purple jars; however, I was unable to find any documents to support these theories. We do not know if the Egyptians or later historic peoples understood the scientific attributes of these purple jars, but we do know that violet jars were enjoyed in the past.
Current Science on Violet Glass Jars
Current science has found these jars to keep herbs, salves, and other contents fresh longer than regular glass jars, but let’s look deeper into the science. According to Infinity Jars, the violet glass jars “slow down the decaying process of organic matter while maintaining the freshness of whatever you put inside.” They keep out visible light rays and allow infrared and UV-A rays that benefit the fresh ingredients inside.
The effect of the light limitation keeps the contents from getting exposed to the sun rays that do damage and allows in light rays that are beneficial and kill harmful microbes. Sounds good, want to test it out?
My Personal Review of Infinity Violet Jars
Infinity Glass Jars sent me a set of jars to test out. I have been using them the past two and a half months trying to get a feel for their worth. Since I’ve seen so many experiments using tomatoes in the violet glass jars, I decided to try it out for myself.
On March 16th, I started the experiment. I put one organic cherry tomato in an Infinity purple glass jar and one in a regular glass jar.
On April 16th, I checked the tomatoes and both were doing well. I was expecting a difference, but I could not find one yet. The tomato in the clear glass jar did have a little divot, but the Infinity glass jar tomato had a few normal inconsistencies as well.
On May 16th, I checked the tomatoes and they were still doing fairly well. The tomato in the Infinity glass jar had a healthy, alive texture, while the tomato in the regular glass jar seemed more slick and not quite as vibrant. There was very little difference though. (No picture)
On June 3rd, I didn’t want to wait any longer to go ahead with the review, so I checked the tomatoes again. I noticed a the same healthy texture on the tomato in the Infinity glass jar. The tomato in the clear jar was starting to have wisps of white mold. I took a photo to demonstrate.
UPDATE: On July 6th, I peeked back into both containers. The mold that I detected in June had fully blossomed into a white fluffy layer surrounding most of the tomato in the clear container. The tomato in the infinity glass is still untouched by mold.
The Infinity glass jar stole the show. While I do not (yet!) have a picture of 6 month results with one rotten tomato (clear glass) and one live tomato (Infinity glass), we all know what happens when mold sets in!
I feel that owning –> Infinity glass jars will help my herbs, salves, and oils to stay nice and fresh while being stored. The technology of the violet glass makes sense and I hope that many companies will start using Infinity glass jars to store their products. I’d love to get a whole set of beauty products in these jars! Beautiful and practical!
Continue reading for ideas on uses for the jars.
The Uses of Infinity Glass Jars
So I’ve share with you the history, the science, and a review of the ultraviolet jars, now what should we use these Infinity jars for?
1. Herbs
I’m not sure about you, but I love my herbs. I grow fresh herbs in pots on my back porch and I’m always needing good storage containers to keep them fresh. The Infinity glass jars are great to keep herbs fresh. I can either place live leaves in the jar to keep for a few months or I can put dried herbs to keep fresh for a very long time.
2. Facial Cleanser
I make my own facial cleanser mixing organic extra-virgin olive oil and organic castor oil together with a few drops of Lavender and Frankincense Essential Oils. While I can use brown bottles to keep some of the light away, the Infinity glass jars will keep all of the harmful light away from my facial cleanser.
3. Lip Balm
I would honestly love to have an Infinity jar for my lip balm. For lip balms that use tallow or other fresher fats, I need a jar that will keep these good oils fresh longer. In my regular clear lip balm container, my lip balm only lasted a few months before the oils started to go bad. Any organic lip balm manufacturers should consider using Infinity glass jars for their products.
4. Olive Oil
If you are like me, you pay a lot for good quality, fresh organic extra-virgin olive oil. You need a way to keep your oil safe from light in order to protect your investment. Infinity has all sizes of oil jars that make using the oil and keeping it safe very possible.
5. Essential Oils
Think about the possible benefits of using Infinity glass for essential oils. Essential oils already last a long time while kept in lidded dark containers, but imagine if you placed a set of oils in the ultraviolet jars for safe keeping. This would be the perfect addition to any person’s survival or emergency preparedness kit.
What would you use Infinity glass jars for?
Head over to Infinity glass jar’s site to check out their products, sales, and to learn more about this innovative product –> here.
Brooke Shambley
THE Boholistic Mom