Egg Yolk Shampoo – DIY Hair Wash

I have gone through many journeys with my bath and body care products.  I’ve tossed out tons of my makeup and bought new makeup that I thought was better . . . just to discover that it wasn’t (and I was allergic to it).  I tossed away the last squeeze-tube of toothpaste and discovered that I can make my own tooth powder (which is still going strong).  However for the longest time, my hair journey was stunted.  I was absolutely stuck.  I wanted to join the myriads of ladies who were POOless (without shampoo), but I tried it.  And I failed.

Egg Yolk Shampoo | Boholistic Mom

My Egg Yolk Shampoo

I failed at finding a solution until I realized that a lot of the problem with shampoos and no-poo methods were the absolute disregard for pH balance.  Shampoos strip out your hairs natural oils and many leave your hair pH a mess.  Most shampoo companies then encourage you to restore your oil balance by applying conditioners that re-moisturize your hair.  Great, so strip it all out and put it all back on.  They say the same with our faces.  Wash your face, use toner on your face to erase the wicked natural oils on your face, and then reapply “correct” moisturizers.  Who says that factory made conditioners and moisturizers are best suited to our hair?  Wouldn’t our own perfect pH-balanced natural hair oils be the best for our hair?

I wanted a pH balanced way to cleanse my hair.  I wanted something natural and was fine with it being a little bit out of the box.  The magical word for me was emulsifier.

I had […]

Natural Beauty Options: What Do I Use?


Natural Beauty Routine

Natural Beauty Routine: What Do I Use?

Let’s face it.  Being holistic and natural about external beauty is difficult.  So many products say that they are “organic” and “natural,” but for products that are not being consumed many of these claims are false.  False is probably too soft of a word.  Really . . . these products straight up lie.  Some of them have nothing natural about them, but perhaps they contain a drop of aloe or a smidge of clay and so a company calls them natural.  Really?  Are we really so gullible?  We are.  We are just that gullible.  We don’t know any better.  I’m confused.  You are confused.  We can’t decipher the information being fed to us by companies and the information that we are learning about taking care of our body in a holistic way.

How can we be fashionable and natural?  Is it possible?

I’ve begun to find an answer to this question, but it’s a gradual answer.  I’ve had to try and fail.  I’m still not using the products that I’d like to use because they do not offer me the benefit that I desire.  However, I’d LOVE to pass on the success that I have had in beauty and fashion.  Today, I’m going to let you know my “External Beauty: What Do I Use?”  These are the products that I am currently using and I’ll let you know how I like them.  I’ll even let you know what products I’m not using and why.

Ready to be challenged in your view of external beauty?


For the past three months, I have not been using shampoo.  A year ago I tried the backing soda […]

Soap Alternatives that keep you clean


In this day and age, we have come to believe that a magical clean is only achieved with soap.  Soap being whatever the store sells as soap.  It may not even be soap, but if the store calls it soap then it must clean and we are safe.  Safe from the nasty obnoxious germs we all fear.  These evil creature must be fought with foaming cleaners (sodium lauryl sulfate), antibacterial cleansers, and if that wasn’t enough, we make sure to use enough hand sanitizer to kill off yesterday’s germs, today’s germs, and tomorrow’s germs too.

Once we are sure that our hands are clean so we don’t get sick . . . we get sick because our bodies haven’t developed any resistance from the germs that we don’t have on our hands, then we beg the doctor for antibiotics or antiviral medications to zap the evil bugs from our body.

If only we understood how to live at peace with the bacteria in our lives,
instead of constantly waging war.

Can you get clean without soap? - Boholistic Mom


Did you know that we live in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria?  We need bacteria and bacteria need us.  We as humans are the host to all types of bacteria.  When we are at our healthiest, they have thriving colonies in our intestines, colonies on our skin, and even colonies in our mouths.  Our body can thrive and even heal when the good bacteria are succeeding in our body.

Why then are we always trying to get rid of bacteria?  Obviously, not all bacteria are good bacteria.  Because of these little creeps we like to call germs, all bacteria get a bad […]