We All Get Sick
Whether you eat like a foodie or you eat whatever appears on your plate, we all get sick. Our body collects bacteria and viruses from our environment and eventually one of those bacteria or viruses break through our defenses and we become ill. All bacteria does not cause us to get sick. In fact, we need bacteria in our body and in our environment. Bacteria helps to break down dead plants in the earth. We have loads of healthy bacteria in our digestive track to break down our food and increase the nutrients received. We even have an acid mantle on our skin that has bacteria and when healthy, the bacteria help to kill bad bacteria that collect on our skin and kill the bacteria that can cause us to become a bit smelly.
Infection vs Disease
Thus there is a very big difference between infection and disease. Infection by viruses, bacteria, and microbes happen all the time. We don’t live in a sterile environment and, honestly, we don’t want to. When we sterilize our environment and our body, we have no good bacteria in our body to help us fight against the bad bacteria. Disease happens when the viruses, bacteria, and microbes multiply in an unhealthy way so that our cells become damaged and we begin to show signs and symptoms of illness.1
Good Viruses?
I have learned in the last four years that we desperately need to take care of our good bacteria so that we can have a healthy immune system. Much of the immune system is based around the health of our gut. Healthy bacteria make for a happy gut. I began wondering that if there were good bacteria, were there […]