6 Reasons You Need to Quit Coffee For Good – Boholistic Mom

6 Reasons to Quit Coffee For Good | Boholistic Mom

Why am I suggesting that you quit coffee?

If you know me personally, you know that I adore coffee.  I used to imbibe a cup (or two) of coffee each morning with cream and sugar.  Then I lived in Italy for three years and consumed copious amounts of cappuccino, espresso, and macchiato.  When we returned to the States, I tried my first Whole 30 . . . which worked great because it allowed you to have coffee, though it was without a sweetener.  So I gave up my honey and haven’t looked back, okay . . . well I do miss it, but now I don’t like it in my coffee.

As you can see, I have been an avid coffee drinker.

Or more honestly, a coffee addict . . .

I’m a lightweight.  While some people have to drink three of four cups a day to suffer withdrawal symptoms, I can drink one tazzo of espresso and have the same withdrawal.  Or just one cup of french press.  I feel what the coffee does to my system and I feel when its gone.

I’m starting with my history because it is important that you know I’m not some stupid tea drinker telling you to give up your coffee.  I am a coffee addict/lover who has realized that I can’t keep pretending it isn’t an addiction that is challenging my health.

Today, I’m going to share with you 6 reasons you need to quit coffee for good.  For me, this has been a long time coming and I need to get this out there so others know what I’ve learned.  Your health is worth reading this […]

Should You Reheat Your Coffee?


In the years since my first induction into the coffee obsessed hall of fame, I’ve learned a lot about coffee.  It wasn’t hard to start learning considering I had so very much to learn after sipping my first Folgers . . . actually it was probably an off brand . . . that was loaded with Coffee Mate powdered creamer . . . actually, no, that was probably also an off brand . . . with almost as much sugar as coffee.  Then and only then could I down the strange lava like substance purportedly known as coffee.  Learning, as I mentioned before, was easy.  I learned quickly that the strange substance sampled in my teenage years could hardly be called coffee.  There is fresh roasted coffee . . . and there are coffee grounds.  Let’s discuss fresh roasted coffee before my mouth gets bitterer and my soul echos its sentiments.

What I know about coffee is almost all from experience and very little from books and further roasting knowledge.  I know what tastes good.  I know what doesn’t.  Fresh roasted coffee tastes phenomenal.  I went from drinking coffee from strange coffee grounds, to drinking coffee at coffee houses, to drinking coffee that was freshly ground, then finally to coffee that was freshly roasted and freshly ground.  After drinking the later, there’s really no returning to the former.  Fresh aromatic coffee takes you in as it brews with the smells permeating the air.  Then when you pour the deep brown liquid into a […]