Baked Oatmeal Recipe with Black Currants and Walnuts

The BEST Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Today, I made something wonderful.  I made the BEST baked oatmeal recipe that I have ever eaten.  As if that wasn’t great in itself, this recipe has no gluten, no sugar, and no dairy.  I’m ecstatic!

First let me tell you where I found my starting recipe.  Martha Stewart shared a baked oatmeal recipe on her website that she originally found from the cookbook Super Natural Every Day by Hedi Swanson.  My new recipe isn’t really like the original anymore!  When we cook we take our medium and we paint a different picture.  Today, I’m going to tell you about the baked oatmeal recipe that came out of my coloring outside the lines!

The Best Baked Oatmeal Recipe Ever

First, gather these ingredients or feel free to do your own coloring outside of the lines.  Recipes are made to be reinvented and you should always feel free to add your own personal touch.

3 tablespoons of ghee, melted if needed (I make my own, but if I don’t I buy –> this) – Ghee has the milk proteins removed from the fat, so this is not considered dairy to most dieters. However, if you have a milk allergy, substitute with coconut oil/butter or olive oil.

2 cups of gluten-free rolled oats (I use –> these)

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped or just broken

1 teaspoon of baking powder (I use this brand without aluminum –> here)

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon sea salt (I buy –> this salt)

1 cup coconut milk (You want to find a coconut milk with the least amount of extras, I buy them […]

Holistic Healthy Resources for Auburn Residents

While I have spent this past year living in Auburn, Alabama, I have been keeping track of the local resources that are –> holistic, natural, crunchy, organic, and beneficial to my family’s overall health.  I want these to continue to be a help to those in the Auburn community whether you are a crunchy mom, Auburn University college student, grandmother, or any person trying to encourage their health.  Please leave comments below with any additional Auburn holistic healthy resources as you find them.  Keep it coming!


Holistic Healthy Resources in Auburn, Alabama

Grocery and Natural Food Stores

  • Earthfare on Opelika Road
  • Day Springs on Opelika Road
  • Market at Blooming Colors on College Street
  • Auburn University Farmer’s Market (summer months) on campus at Ag Park
  • Opelika Farmer’s Market (summer months) in downtown Opelika
  • Kroger (small organic produce section) – in Tigertown and on Dean Road
  • Publix (few organic foods on ends of rows) – off Ogletree Road





  • Acre – Supports local food
  • Hound – Supports local food
  • Pho Lee – No MSG
  • Chipotle – Supports local food and has no GMOs




Pregnancy, Birth, and Lactation Educators

