Huevos Con Chorizo Perfect Whole 30 Recipe

Huevos Con Chorizo Recipe

Huevos Con Chorizo2

I really enjoy Mexican food.  I love the atmosphere, I love the spices, but I do not love the MSG.  Sometimes it’s hiding in a sauce, sometimes it’s in the meat, and sometimes it is hiding in my Huevos Con Chorizo.  I really dislike additives!

I’ve been doing the Whole 30, so I really have to find ways to make my own food and not rely on restaurants as much.  So voila!  I found a Huevos Con Chorizo recipe online and made it work for me.  I love lard, so I switched the oil to lard.  I also made sure that I could find a good quality chorizo sausage that had no MSG and didn’t have any sugar.  If you are Paleo or do Whole 30, you understand that struggle is REAL!

And as usual, it utilizes eggs.  So many of my go to Whole 30 recipes include eggs.  Protein and nutrients!

Huevos Con Chorizo is one of my Easy and Fast Whole 30 Meals!


1 tablespoon lard

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

3 sausages of Chorizo (without MSG and without sugar – see picture)

And 4 eggs

Chorizo | Boholistic Mom

Heat up lard in cast iron skillet (okay . . . any skillet will do fine).

Add diced onion.

Sauté until it begins to brown.

Add diced garlic.

Let cook for a minute.

Four Food Myths to Watch Out for


Four Food Myths | Boholistic Mom

I am a little worked up about health lately.  So many people around me are ill and I want to do something about it.  I truly believe that a lot of illnesses are preventable, treatable, and, most importantly, brought on by false nutritional education.

Many illnesses are preventable.

I believe that we were created to have good health.  Why don’t have good health then?  Many of the reasons that we have poor health is due to the fact that we have forgotten the traditions of health passed down to us from our parents, their parents, and up the generational lines.  We are to respect and honor our parents, but we have rejected the wisdom of the past.

I’ve put together four food myths in order to underline four easy ways that a family can change their health by beginning to make small changes in their eating and drinking.  Consider these myths and please feel free to ask questions by commenting at the bottom of this blog.

Four Food Myths

“Fats are bad.” – FALSE

Processed, factory-made fats are horrible for you. They need to stop being served as food. However, natural fats from olives, coconuts, and even grass-fed (or naturally-fed) animals are essential for health. Without real fats, the body suffers.


“Water is healthy.” – FALSE

Not all water is healthy. The government has decided to allow chemicals, drugs, and other pollutants to remain in our water in small amounts. They have decided that these small amounts are allowable. Healthy bodies may be able to filter these pollutants, but let’s face it, who is actually healthy these days? Consider researching filters for your drinking water. Your kidneys will thank you.
“Grocery […]

Roasting a Pumpkin – a fall tradition

Roasting a Pumpkin | Boholistic Mom

Roasting a Pumpkin

Can I just say that there are a million different ways to cook a pumpkin?  So while it may seem like cooking a pie pumpkin is a radical activity, it really isn’t.  In fact, it is more rewarding and financially smart than buying those cans of pureed pumpkin.

The benefits?

Roasting pumpkin in the fall gives you a ton of raw material for recipes, is extremely affordable, and is memorable.  A pumpkin is a spacious item.  In that one pie pumpkin, you get tons of pumpkin for recipes.  You can freeze it, you can can it, you can use it as a soup bowl, and you can use it right away in a recipe.  It’s amazingly versatile.

I mentioned that it is extremely affordable.  I just bought 5 pie pumpkins for $5 at Kroger.  Can we say DEAL?!  These puppies are at least two pounds each and will serve me for many recipes.  I think I might go back and get more . . . what other vegetable can you get at the store for 50 cents a pound?  Remember, sticking with the seasonal vegetables will always save you money.

Okay, this may seem silly, but cooking real pumpkins is memorable.  You feel like you are nurturing your family, breathing in the fall season, and creating new traditions all at one time.  Why do we revere traditions so much?  Because our American society has become so amalgamated that we no longer hold to the beautiful traditions of our past cultures.  It is important for each family to build traditions.  This builds unity that is vital for the survival of the family unit.  The pumpkin is […]

Why and When to Buy Organic Foods

I started my organic journey in 2008.  My husband and I had just moved to Gulfport, Mississippi and we realized that we needed to make some life changes.  I was struggling with IBS.  He is in the military and needed to keep fit to pass his fitness tests.  On top of it all, we wanted a family.

Nothing gets you started thinking about organic foods more than having a baby.

We did not know what the first step to health was at that point, most people don’t.  So we started eating more organic produce and shopping at farmer’s markets.  This was one of our first steps toward the lifestyle that we now maintain.  It was small, but each step matters because you’ll never arrive if you never start.

There are some things that eating organic foods will change in your life and there are some things that eating organic won’t change a bit.

Organic Benefits

  • Decreases pesticides in body
    (pesticides linked to ADHD)
  • Increases health of liver
  • Lessens brain fog
  • Increases antioxidants
  • Decreases exposure to GMO crops

Not Going to Happen

  • Losing weight magically
  • Fixing all health problems
  • The “Organic” label doesn’t make it healthy

Organic foods have health benefits that are cascading in effect.  These foods have less pesticides.  Having less pesticides means your liver will be healthier due to having less chemicals to process.  When your liver is healthy, your brain is much healthier.  When the liver is taxed, the brain gets foggy.  The liver keeps toxic substances from building up in the blood and reaching the brain.1  Your brain […]

Healthy Fats

Healthy Fats | Boholistic Moms

I don’t know how you were raised, but if you were raised during the 80’s and/or the 90’s you may have been raised on a low-fat diet. Fats were bad. All of them. Butter was replaced with margarine. Lard was not even mentioned, much less used. Cheeses were artery cloggers and vegetables were all eaten plain.

This was my life from 1983 until around 2001.

I mention in my other post how confused I was about the need to avoid fats and to lessen my calories. Then eventually people began to say to avoid carbs too.  How could I possibly avoid fats, avoid carbs, and lessen my calories to keep my weight balanced?  It became apparent to me that something was awry.  These “food experts” didn’t really have their act together.  In fact, did they even know what we should eat to be healthy?

I found the answer out in 2013.  The answer was so simple that I’m amazed that I’d spent so long trying to figure out the solution to my food dilemma.

Eat real food.

I go into this in more detail here, but in this post I want to speak exclusively about healthy fats.  Eating healthy fats, because truly not all fats are bad.

You need healthy fats to produce cholesterol which is the mother of all hormones.  You absolutely need cholesterol in order to produce hormones in your body.  All of the highest fat REAL foods contain cholesterol.  These two are the dynamic duo of proper hormone production.  Without healthy fats and cholesterol, you cannot function the way that you were made to function.  Your hormones help to regulate your brain, […]

Coconuts: A to Z

Coconuts: A-Z | Boholistic Mom

(This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a benefit from your order.  Thanks!)

Inside The Coconut

Coconuts are filled with beneficial commodities.  Coconut fat (often labeled as raw virgin organic coconut oil) is a medium-chain triglyceride, which means it is a special type saturated fat.  According to a study done in 1983, these same medium-chain triglycerides had rats loosing fat deposits in the lab.1  In 2004, a study in India found that Virgin Coconut Oil decreased the total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol levels and increased HDL cholesterol.2 Aka, coconut oil helped the body maintain the good cholesterol and decrease the bad cholesterol.  Also, unlike other oils frequently used in the USA, a study performed in India shows that coconut oil has no correlation with coronary heart diseases.  This fat is not a contributor to heart disease, so if you are watching out for your heart or your husband’s heart, this oil will help you remain heart healthy.

The coconut oil, meat, and milk will help you stay healthy and make amazing dishes.  Read on to find out how to pull a coconut apart on your own!

Coconut Collaboration

I was able to team up on this post with a friend of mine who moved to Guam.  Erena is much more experienced with coconuts than I will probably ever be!  So I asked her how she choses her coconuts, cracks her coconuts, and also how she uses her coconuts.  Here’s what she had to say!

How Do You Choose a Good Coconut?

A green coconut usually means the coconut hasn’t formed and is […]

My Real Food Timeline – How It All Started

Real Food Timeline

My Real Food Timeline

I started this Boholistic Mom website in 2013 to reach out to my friends, family, and any of those who were interested in real food like I was.  Yet my real food timeline and journey started many years before that point.  So many people get bogged down and frustrated when they think about all the different changes they could made and maybe should make, but when you realize that life is a process it isn’t daunting . . . it’s about learning and growing.  Walk with me through my life and how I changed and grew into the Boholistic Mom I am today.

1992-1998Inhaler: My Real Food Timeline | Boholistic Mom

  • Suffered with asthma and allergies


  • Realized I was lactose intolerant after having problems every day at 1 p.m. after having milk at lunch


  • Had vaccinations containing heavy metals before college and before going on a trip to South Africa

2006Boxed Meal: My Food History | Boholistic Mom

  • Married my husband, James
  • Picked up my husband’s Diet Coke habit
  • Started “cooking” for our family . . . by box and by freezer meals


  • Diagnosed with IBS by a Gastroenterologist
  • She never was asked what I was eating or drinking . . .
  • Began to cut out high fructose corn syrup

2008Soda: My Real Food Timeline | Boholistic Mom

Making a Bone Broth

 Making a Bone Broth

When considering real food and traditional foods, the journey cannot truly begin without the basic knowledge of bone broth.  Our ancestors could not have survived without broth (or stock) and many traditional cultures used broths as the fundamental building block for many recipes.  Only within the last 100 years has broth become a thing of the past being replaced by broth in a carton, can, or even worse broth by bouillon cube.  The flavors of soups, curries, and other recipes have suffered from the loss of knowledge about traditional broths and many households no longer recognize the authentic taste or texture of an authentic broth.

Traditional Bone Broth RecipeWhat is Bone Broth?

“Broth (or stock) is a mineral rich infusion made by boiling bones of healthy animals with vegetables, herbs and spices.”1 Broth is a highly nutrient dense super food!

Why Bone Broth?

What doesn’t bone broth have?  As I researched the benefits and the mineral properties of bone broth, the information regarding the benefits were extensive.  Here are a few basic “why’s” to bone broth:

  1. Calcium2 – important for strong bones and teeth
  2. Magnesium2 – vital for many needed inner processes including calcium management
  3. Glycosaminoglycans2 – important for connective tissues, tendons, and joints
  4. Phosphorus – Bones are made of calcium and phosphorus7
  5. Amino acids proline – “vital for healthy connective tissue (ligaments, joints, around organs, etc)”1
  6. Amino acids glycine – “plays extensive roles in digestive health, proper functioning of the nervous system and in wound healing” and “Glycine is […]

Use the Entire Chicken in Four Steps – Boholistic Mom

Using the Entire Chicken

Traditionally, in order to eat chicken a person would take an entire chicken that had lived in their yard or farm and kill it.  They wouldn’t have just cut off a breast and left the rest.  The chicken would have eaten grubs from the ground, weeds, grass, seeds, and insects.  It had the freedom to move about the yard and farm without having to step on its own feces.  When the owner was ready to eat the chicken, the chicken would have been killed by removing their heads and it would have been prepared to be eaten.  The entire chicken was then used for food.

Eat Traditional Chickens

Today, chickens are raised in massive factory farms.  The chickens are shoved together into a small space, where they step in each others feces, cannot stretch their wings, or even go for a walk.  They lead stressed lives in extreme captivity.  Some of these birds will not live long enough to become a meal.  They are systematically and brutally herded into trucks then taken to slaughter houses.  They are then slaughtered, plucked, the necks are removed, the feet removed, and their insides are gutted.  The entire chicken will not be used by a family.  Each of the pieces end up in a different place.  Most families will never use the chicken feet (that are a great source of gelatin), the chicken livers (that are a great source of iron and Vitamin A, all the Vitamin Bs, and folic acid), or the chicken bones (that have vitamins and minerals that are perfect for growing families).

What nutritional value is actually […]

Simple Chicken Curry

Make a chicken curry in a hurry

Simple Chicken Curry

I absolutely adore curry.  I used to think that curries were hard things to make and very complicated . . . until I realized that they were simply a method of adding ingredients together in a certain order.  Use these ingredients or switch it out to other similar ingredients.  You are the artist in this kitchen.  I hope you enjoy your chicken curry and whatever other curry you dream up!


2 tablespoons Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, or Ghee

1 Large Onion

1-2 Cloves of Garlic

1 – 2 tablespoons Yellow Curry Powder 

1 cup of Organic Yogurt

1 – 2 cups of Chicken Broth and/or Coconut Milk

2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter or Almond Butter

Leftover Chicken Meat

1 teaspoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Sea Salt (as needed)

Bay Leaf (optional)

Preparation for Chicken Curry

  1.  Sauté on medium heat the onions in 1 tablespoon of oil.
  2.  As the onions begin to get transparent, add the garlic.
  3.  When the onions and garlic are almost fully cooked, add 1 -2 tablespoon of Curry Powder (more or less, to taste).
  4.  As the curry powder smell fills the air, begin to add in the yogurt.
  5.  The yogurt will release its liquid very fast and you will then add in the broth or coconut milk.
  6.  Let this cook down until the yogurt, curry, and broth are combined fully.
  7.  Add in the nut butter to thicken your curry.
  8.  Since your chicken meat is already cooked, add the meat in at this point to avoid overcooking.
  9.  As the chicken becomes warm and your curry thickens, add in the vinegar.
  10.  Serve in a bowl with Basmati rice, brown rice, or cauliflower rice.